Support for Auckland businesses | COVID-19 lockdowns | ACTIVATE TAMAKI MAKAURAU

ACTIVATE TAMAKI MAKAURAU – Government Economic Support Package for Auckland Businesses

 $3000 worth of advice and planning, up to $4000 to implement the advice. Are you a small business? Everything you need to know about the program


On 22 October 2021, the Government announced a special fund and economic support package for Auckland Businesses affected by the latest COVID-19 lockdown in August 2021. This package is in addition to the various Government assistance programs for New Zealand businesses, such as:

  • The Resurgence Support Payment (RSP)
  • Wage subsidy scheme
  • Interest-free Government Loan

This is a $60 million package for advice, implementation of that advice and mental health support to assist Auckland businesses. “Businesses will be able to apply for up to $3000 worth of advice and planning support, and then receive up to $4000 to implement that advice through the established Reginal Business Partners Programme.”

See this link for a Step by Step guide to activate Government grants for Auckland businesses.

How does it work

Regional Business Partner Network often runs programs like this. However, in this instance, Auckland Unlimited is managing Activate Tamaki Makaurau – see link for Auckland Unlimited landing/information page.

If you are a business in Auckland affected by the lockdowns and higher COVID-19 alert levels, Activate Tamaki Makaurau will grant you (if qualified):

  • $3000 for advice and planning support
  • $4000 for support to implement advice and planning
  • Credit for health and wellbeing support
  • business community resources


How to apply for the Government Economic Support Package for Auckland Businesses

Funding for Auckland Businesses Advice, Planning Support and Implementation of the Advice

If you are an Auckland business and have tried unsuccessfully to find out more and wonder why you do not know about this Activate Tamaki Makaurau , you are not alone. Admittedly, the programme is being rolled out before the details have been fleshed out. What is confirmed is that, Auckland Unlimited is managing the program and registrations are open for Auckland businesses to enroll.

1 December 2021 registrations opened  to apply for the $3000 funding advice and $4000 funding in implementation


The Application

The application will take about 15 minutes, and you will need your business’s NZBN number. This is found by running a search for your company at the Companies Registry. To register, you will need answer the following questions:

  • Have you already submitted your registration form for Activate Tāmaki Makaurau support?
  • Does your business primarily operate within the Auckland Alert Level Boundary?
  • Physical business address:
  • Full name
  • Legal business name
  • email address
  • Trading business name
  • Legal business structure
  • What is the business’s New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)?
  • What is the business’ Goods and Services Tax (GST) number?
  • When did your business start commercially operating?
  • Company website (if any):
  • Describe your core business
  • How many full-time employees (FTE) does your business have?
  • In the last financial year (usually ending 31 March 2021) what was your business’s total revenue?

    If you started trading commercially after 31 March 2021, please include your year to date revenue instead.
  • Do you have a specific professional advisor/company/service provider that you would like to receive Business Advice from/work with on Implementation?  if you would like to work with us, answer YES, and type in V Digital Marketing. 
  • How will this service benefit your business?


Email After the Application

Once you have registered, we suggest sending a quick inquiry email to stating:


To whom it may concern,

It’s encouraging to hear news of government funding and support for Auckland businesses which will assist us in receiving advice planning support and implementation for that advice.

I cannot stress enough how challenging it has been. This lockdown has been especially harsh on my business. It has caused my staff and I a lot of sleepless nights.

As a business, we’d be grateful for your consideration and support. The grant will be of considerable help to our branding, growth, marketing strategy, cashflow planning, increasing our employees in the future and planning for future restrictions.

Even though the times have been challenging, I am excited at the prospect of receiving professional advice to support our people and the business.


I look forward to hearing from you



Follow-up after the application is completed

Once you have registered for Activate Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland Unlimited will vet your request and the process is as follows:

  • Application gets basic vetting for eligibility
  • You will receive a login into the platform
  • Here you can request for your preferred service provide – V Digital Marketing is an approved service provider
  • You request for a quote/proposal from your service provider
  • Service provider will upload the proposal for you to accept
  • Auckland Unlimited will review the proposal for approval
  • Contract is generated for you and your service provider to sign


If you have any questions, please send us a message or call 021 633572.


Activate Tamaki Makaurau Eligibility Criteria for Auckland Businesses

In short, it’s likely your business will qualify if it’s based in Auckland business, GST registered and has an NZBN number. The full details of the eligibility criteria as we as the services that are offered and services unavailable are:


Business eligibility criteria: 

  • have less than 100 full-time equivalent employees
  • be GST registered in New Zealand
  • have a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
  • be operating in a commercially
  • be privately-owned business or a Māori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Māori assets under multiple ownership
  • primarily operate within the Auckland Alert Level 3 boundary
  • been trading since prior to 22 October 2021

If your business qualifies, the services that are available are:

  • Business Planning, Strategy and Continuity – operational improvements, new opportunities, new markets, workforce planning, new products, and risk management
  • Financial Planning and Cashflow Management – budgeting, forecasting, scenario planning
  • HR and Employee Relations and Legal – people leadership, advice about attracting and retaining staff, contract law, legal requirements, COVID-19 framework guidelines
  • Business Hibernation or Exit  – liquidation plan and succession planning advice
  • Digital Marketing – digital marketing strategy, website strategy
  • Marketing Advice –  marketing strategies, value proposition development
  • Digital Enablement – digital productivity, client interaction strategy, operational digitisation
  • Health and Safety Advice – working within COVID-19 framework guidelines


Unfortunately, not all services are available or covered. Unavailable services are:

  • Already implemented advice and paid for – historic payments are ineligible
  • Ongoing engagement fees for existing professional services that the business is currently contractually obliged to 
  • Accounting annual returns services – bookkeeping, GST and tax returns, expenses reconciliation
  • Fees for SaaS (Software as a service) products – hosting fees, Xero subscriptions, ad spend, domain costs, recommended CRM costs
  • Capital expenditure –  purchasing computer hardware
  • Consultancy services – designing, developing, creating, building, auditing
  • Training services 
  • Mentoring services – connect with NZ Business Mentors for these services
  • Subscription services
  • Conferences, seminars, networking events
  • Personal physical and/or mental health consultations (medical or alternative)
  • Services offered outside New Zealand 
  • Services already subsidised through other Government funding
  • Catering, travel & accommodation expenses 
  • Examination fees/costs
  • Membership fees/costs
  • Any situation where an actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest may exist


Auckland businesses Health and wellbeing support

To apply for health and wellbeing support, register here and click on “I AM A BUSINESS OWNER”:


The funding will not last long

The expectation is for the Regional Business Partner to start approving funding by 1 December 2021. Therefore apply now if you are interested in this programme and receive expert business advice, action your marketing, grow, launch online platforms, and get funding for the goals you’ve always known is necessary but lacked the resources.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day but laid bricks on the daily. This programme provides the necessary building blocks for your business.

Wanting to stay updated and register your interest

If you are interested in this programme and want to stay updated on the latest announcements on the programme, register your interest here:


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